Jul 25Singapore Book Awards 2024Last night was Singapore Book Awards 2024, organized by Singapore Book Publishers Association ( SBPA ) and I was invited to join this...
Apr 14Hello April, yes I am still alive and drawing comicHi all, it's already mid April and I have yet to plan and start on my own stuffs yet. 😬 I am mainly working on projects from last year....
Mar 8Goodbye Mr. Akira ToriyamaIt was shocking and heart-breaking this morning, after seeing the article about Mr. Akira Toriyama's passing. Mr. Akira Toriyama, creator...
Feb 3Hello Fab-ruary Hi all! It is already February, and Space, Cows & Alien Meatballs comic anthology has been online for more than a month. It will be...
Jan 1Hi 2024Happy New Year all! 2023 went by so fast, I hardly had any time to sit down and review what I have done for the whole of last year....
Nov 24, 2023Chiral Comic's ZhaoThis year I got the opportunity to work with Chiral Comics again for the coloring of Zhao. "An epic 200-page graphic novel steeped in...