Hi all! Hope everyone been safe and good :)
Just like to give a little update on what's happening lately.
Boom Shaka Chapter 3 Kickstarter is up and live! Click on the pic to check it out.
I am one of the Artist Ambassador for the Comic Embassy event, along with FSC. I will be there for 3 days, although I really hope I can be there more but my schedule is really hectic this month...

Thanks to everyone who came and visited us! :D
MMM Anthology updates:

All of the teams/creators have signed the agreement. There are a total of 18 teams, estimated pages will be around 110.
Lastly, I am working on my little comic collection book on the side (very far side), so things are pretty crazy this month! For my main work I am doing the ink for an upcoming book with a writer I worked with and it should be out be end of the year/early next year. There is also 2 other books, one that is almost done while the other is still in draft stage.
Big thanks to everyone who have been following me and giving me feedback and suggestions. Take care till we meet again next time!