Just updated the blog with disqus! Now you can comments on my posts, even when you are not login! :D Previously I saw a post on Kotaku on Manga Artist Workdesks,
and I thought it will be great for artists to share and discuss about their work space too :) So here is my messy (but organized!) work space which I spend about 8-10 hours a day at.

This is my main workdesk, with my PC and wacom tablet. I have been deciding whether to get a display tablet for the looooonnngest time.. The right side are some documents/papers/recent mails, my new fighting fish, and an external hdd. Behind is my Epson L350 printer , which quite a good budget printer. Although mine have slight problems after 2-3 years, probably need to send it for servicing soon.... On the left of the desk is my clipboard for drawing/sketching and my ancient iPad 2, which I only use it for surfing net and watching videos... Below the desk are my weights, which I used for exercising when I don't go to the gym.. -__- I am using a basic ikea chair, not the most comfortable one but budget enough and doesn't get warm like those leather and fabrics ones.

Overall view. The front is my bed. As you can see I get alot of sunlight from the windows, so the room is mostly hot -___- The prints on the wall is my calendar, where I note down deadlines and events. The desk behind me is for drawing, although now is kinda in a mess :D Below are papers and stationaries...

A close-up of the times on my desk, pencils and pens, books, documents, stationaries etc...
Hope you enjoy knowing more about how I work, do share with me yours! :)